Sunday, January 15, 2012

Choose Your Sports Bar Carefully Or You Could Get Shot

((HT: MyFoxAtlanta))

Most sports bars know where their allegiances lie...
Steelers fans go to one bar. Michigan State fans go to another bar in your town, and so on and so on...

The HQ gets the feeling you know where you and your friends show up on a Saturday or a Sunday if you ca't go to the game in person...

In the HQ's home town last night, someone apparently wore the wrong jersey to the wrong sports bar...

Let's just say the shooter in question wasn't a 49ers fan...
Here's FOSG George Franco...

Upset Football Fan Opens Fire in Gwinnett Restaurant Parking Lot:

Raiders fan...??? Saints fan...???
The HQ would bet the former would be packing, but not the latter...

The shooter is still at large...

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