Monday, August 27, 2012

A News Pundit Chases Leafs Coach For Redecorating

((HT: The Score via Sun News Network))

JT Bourne went after a news pundit who really had no business talking about the topic he talked about the other day...

And it's another reason as to why news needs to be news and sports stays with sports...unless you want to open yourself up to pot shots...

The HQ doesn't talk politics, for the most part, and we certainly don't talk about food (or something like that)...

David Menzies, the HQ will admit, has just as much a right to opine on what he wants to, even it's a poorly-found opinion- much like JT found when Menzies said in the Huffington Post that Maple Leafs GM Brian Burke needed to stop hiding behind the gay flag when it comes to bullying and have it only apply there and nowhere else...

No lie... he actually said that...

But in a hockey-crazed town like Toronto where the Leafs are life and life is the Leafs, everyone has their chance to call their shot...

And Menzies tried...

Boy, did he try... from left field... talking about how Carlyle's desire to change things up made him a bad coach...
Maybe if Ty Pennington or Paige Davis had made the accusation, it would have made more sense...

There... the Leafs problems have been solved...

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