Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pistorius Day 3: Prosecution Tries To Solidify Case

The lead police investigator took the stand in Day 3 of the Oscar Pistorius bail hearing and admitted in open court that there are consistencies in the testimony of the defense and what the police are discovering.

Detective Warrant Officer Hilton Botha said that the path of the bullets fired from the 9mm pistol found in the Pistorius home were on a downward path- which, the police intimate, mean that Pistorius put on his prosthetic legs before opening fire into the bathroom killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp with four shots. His statement says he fired the weapon while on his stumps.

The holster for the gun was found under the part of the bed where Steenkamp slept, the prosecution says, which also means that Pistorius would have had to know Steenkamp wasn't sleeping.

Police also say they found two boxes of testosterone and needles in Pistorius' bedroom. But Pistorius' attorney, Barry Roux, said the substance was an "herbal remedy" and not a steroid or a banned substance. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel also had to correct Officer Botha in open court when he called the substance "steroids."

Botha said "testosterone" and needles were found in Pistorius' bedroom during their investigation.

Here's your Day 3 wrap from Many Weiner...

Prosecution attorneys are also offering up witnesses who say that they heard an argument from 4 blocks away at that time of the early morning- which, to even the HQ, sounds really interesting...

More when we know more...

Here's analysis from ABC's Bazi Kanani
((HT: ESPN))

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